Friday, July 13, 2012

Life Force - Power From on High to Heal Your Mind & Emotions by Paul McGuire

Life Force – Power From on High to Heal Your Mind & Emotions!

Life Force is a book and four audio CD programs that you can use that will help you access the supernatural resources that God has for you through the power of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God to heal you mind, memories, and emotions. In our fallen world, many people have suffered abandonment, rejection and abuse that often started in early childhood.

What the Apostle Paul called “strongholds” were built into our mind and spirit, that keep us trapped in a maze of self-destructive and negative thoughts and emotions. We really want to have victory over those things, but we find ourselves trapped and in spiritual bondage to forces that we don’t know how to understand. The death force or the spiritual power of sin that began in the Garden of Eden has released both spiritual and mental forces that have programmed us into patterns such as:




Addictive behaviors

Sexual promiscuity and other sexual problems

Cycles of failure

Poverty and defeat




Psychological, emotional and spiritual disorders



Jesus Christ died for us on a Cross, to break the power of sin and death in our lives. Many of us know that our sins have been forgiven and that we are going to heaven. But, many people find themselves trapped in negative patterns of behavior and thinking. This includes many Christian leaders and ministers. Due to things that happened in our childhood, sin, bad choices and other factors, our inner man and woman has been programmed, causing us to think and move in ways we do not want too. We feel trapped and then the cycle of shame, guilt, and depression begins.

These spiritual strongholds and programs of thinking, which are often not consciously aware, keep us from being who God created us to be. In addition, scientists are now able to take sophisticated maps of the brain and see that these programs actually create neurological pathways. These neurological circuits can release all kinds of brain chemicals that affect our moods and emotional states. Jesus Christ said, “You shall know the truth and truth shall set you free!”

God wants you to experience the truth of His Word in specific and strategic ways, so that He can heal and transform you in these key areas of your life. In the book Life Force, along with the four audio CD’s, Paul McGuire shows you how the power of the Word of God can target these specific strongholds and programming in your life. In the Life Force, Paul shows you how appropriate the full power of the Holy Spirit to dismantle these strongholds, heal you of negative emotional states like depression, anxiety, and defeat the spirit of hopelessness that is robbing your life. In the Life Force and CD’s, Paul reveals the spiritual nature of this inner battle and how you must recognize that you have a spiritual adversary that seeks to steal, kill and destroy your life.

Paul brings the truth from the Light of God’s Word on how when the Bible says, “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind,” that you have to used spiritual weapons to confront the spirit of fear! The Life Force and four CD’s will impact your life powerfully with the healing power of God’s Word and the power of the Holy Spirit! If you participate in this Life Force program, you will have an overwhelming encounter with the love of your Heavenly Father! When you encounter the love of your Heavenly Father in a very tender, personal, sensitive, and powerful way, your life will be changed forever. You will experience the Presence of God in a life transforming encounter, that will break the chains off of your life and truly set you free. You will discover that your mind has been renewed. You will begin to see your life and this world in a whole new way!

 Paul McGuire is uniquely qualified to minister to you in this area because He is an internationally respected Bible teacher and expert in Bible prophecy. Paul is not in denial and He knows what is really going on in our world. Yet, Paul understands that the only way you can live victoriously in the last days is to learn how to walk supernaturally in the power of the Holy Spirit. In the Life Force and audio CD’s, you will learn how walk in the Presence of the Lord.

You will experience intense and miraculous spiritual breakthrough. The thousands of people who have attended Paul McGuire’s seminar’s on “Spiritual Breakthrough, “ have said that they have had the most powerful encounters with the Lord and anointing that they have ever had in all their lives. People have said that they have experienced the most powerful anointing and the most intense encounter with the Presence of the Lord in their entire lives at a Paul McGuire meeting. Paul wrote the Life Force and recorded the audio CD’s to set people free who cannot physically come to one of his meetings. Order now and you can help friends of family members who need healing, by taking advantage of the quantity discount offer!

Life Force – Power From on High to Heal Your Mind & Emotions!

Quantity Discounts

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